
1. “Those who visit her come away feeling better about life and about themselves. They feel her love. They know she cares. She never complains but spends her days blessing the lives of others.”
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “You Matter to Him” Oct. 2011 Saturday AM Session

2. "The courage to act and their selfless service came from feeling that they were responsible for the lives, the happiness, and the safety of comrades. Such a feeling of responsibility for others is at the heart of faithful priesthood service."
-Henry B. Eyring, "Man Down!" April 2009 Priesthood Session

3. “More important, though, we can share who we are.”
-L. Tom Perry, “Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear” Oct. 2011 Saturday PM Session

4. “To find real happiness, we must seek for it in a focus outside ourselves. No one has learned the meaning of living until he has surrendered his ego to the service of his fellow man.”
-Thomas S. Monson, "The Joy of Service" Oct. 2009 New Era 

5. “Waiting upon the Lord gives us a priceless opportunity to discover that there are many who wait upon us.”
-Robert D. Hales, “Waiting Upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done” Oct. 2011 Sunday AM Session

6. “Find someone who is having a hard time, …and do something for them.” ~Pres. Monson
-quoted by Quentin L. Cook, “Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time” Oct. 2008 General Conference

7. "None of this service asks, what’s in it for me? All of it requires setting aside personal convenience for unselfish service."
-Dallin H. Oaks, "Unselfish Service" April 2009 General Conference

8. "In actual fact it is the service that counts—the Lord’s service." 
-Thomas S. Monson, "The Joy of Service" Oct. 2009 New Era

9.  "It is only when we love God and Christ with all of our hearts, souls, and minds that we are able to share this love with our neighbors through acts of kindness and service—the way that the Savior would love and serve all of us if He were among us today. When this pure love of Christ—or charity—envelops us, we think, feel, and act more like Heavenly Father and Jesus would think, feel, and act. Our motivation and heartfelt desire are like unto that of the Savior."
-M. Russell Ballard, "Finding Joy through Loving Service" April 2011 General Conference

10. “While it is important to have our thoughts inclined toward heaven, we miss the essence of our religion if our hands are not also inclined toward our fellowman. …please do not think that this is someone else’s responsibility. It is mine, and it is yours. We are all enlisted.”
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Providing in the Lord’s Way” Oct. 2011 Priesthood Session

Why This Matters:
Serving others gives us a crazy amount of joy. When we are serving others, we are building up them and ourselves. What a marvelous thing! The Lord has work to be done that we are perfect for; we are placed in people's lives for a reason. We come to find that reason by serving others; we need to be the Lord's hands and touch the lives of those around us.

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