Eternal Marriage

1. That proclamation on the family helps us realize that celestial marriage brings greater possibilities for happiness than does any other relationship. ...To qualify for eternal life, we must make an eternal and everlasting covenant with our Heavenly Father. This means that a temple marriage is not only between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with God.
-Russell M. Nelson, “Celestial Marriage” Oct. 2008 General Conference

2. "Marriage is perhaps the most vital of all decisions and has the most far-reaching effects, for it has to do not only with immediate happiness, but also with eternal joys. It affects not only the two people involved, but also their families, particularly their children and their children’s children, down through the latest generations."
-Spencer W. Kimball, "The Importance of Celestial Marriage" July 1980 Liahona  

3. “True love endures. But lust changes as quickly as it can turn a pornographic page or glance at yet another potential object for gratification walking by, male or female. True love we are absolutely giddy about—as I am about Sister Holland; we shout it from the housetops. But lust is characterized by shame and stealth and is almost pathologically clandestine—the later and darker the hour the better, with a double-bolted door just in case. Love makes us instinctively reach out to God and other people. Lust, on the other hand, is anything but godly and celebrates self-indulgence. Love comes with open hands and open heart; lust comes with only an open appetite.”
-Jeffrey R. Holland, “Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul.” April. 2010 General Conference 
4. “If you have found someone, you can form an extraordinarily wonderful courtship and marriage and be very, very happy eternally by staying within the bounds of worthiness the Lord has established.”
-Richard G. Scott, “The Eternal Blessings of Marriage” April. 2011 General Conference Session 

5. "Something as wonderful as a celestial marriage doesn’t just happen." 
-Robert D. Hales, "Preparing for a Heavenly Marriage" Feb. 2006 Liahona 

6.“Just as harmony comes from an orchestra only when its members make a concerted effort, so harmony in marriage also requires a concerted effort. That effort will succeed if each partner will minimize personal demands and maximize actions of loving selflessness.”
-Russell M. Nelson, “Celestial Marriage” Oct. 2008 General Conference

7. "How sweet is the assurance, how comforting is the peace that come from the knowledge that if we marry right and live right, our relationship will continue, notwithstanding the certainty of death and the passage of time. Men may write love songs and sing them. They may yearn and hope and dream. But all of this will be only a romantic longing unless there is an exercise of authority that transcends the powers of time and death."
-Gordon B. Hinckley, "The Marriage That Endures" July 2003 Liahona

8. "Temple marriage describes the place you go to have an eternal marriage performed. Celestial marriage is being true to the sacred covenants you make in that temple marriage ceremony—living celestial principles in the marriage relationship."
-Robert D. Hales, "Preparing for a Heavenly Marriage" Feb. 2006 Liahona

9. “Faithful members whose circumstances do not allow them to receive the blessings of eternal marriage and parenthood in this life will receive all promised blessings in the eternities, [as] they keep the covenants they have made with God.”
-Neil L. Anderson, “Children” Oct. 2011 Saturday PM Session

10. "You have choices to make—choices with eternal consequences. But you are not left unaided in your decisions, however small or large they may be. It has been said that history turns on small hinges, and so do people’s lives. Decisions determine destiny. That is why it is worthwhile to look ahead, to set a course, to be at least partly ready when the moment of decision comes. One of those decisions for us to consider is this: Whom shall I marry?"
-Thomas S. Monson, "Whom Shall I Marry?" Oct. 2004 New Era

Why This Matters:
It's important for me to understand why marriage is so important because someday I will be married, and this decision will not just affect me. From the living prophets, I've learned that it is really of no significance if I don't get married for eternity. It is one of the most vital decisions I can make, and I for it to work, I have to work. Eternal marriage is not just something that happens when you get married in the temple; in order to obtain a thing of celestial nature, I have to be true to my sacred covenants.

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